Laminated Glass

Detailed Information


- The outdoor noise level can be lowered down to the level of a quiet atmosphere, and thus the quality of life is improved for the individuals.

- Decreases physiological and psychological aspects of noise pollution.

Minimizes risks of injury due to accidental impact.

- Retains its overall integrity and continues to act as a barrier even if the glass breaks, protection from vandalism, burglary attack. Able to with stand repeated blows from heavy objects such as bricks, hammers or crowbars.

- Provide extremely high levels of protection against UV radiation (over 99 % of UV radiation is blocked), therefore helps to reduce fading and ageing effects.


Places where safety and noise control can be provided together:

- Ideal choice of glass in situations where there is excess noise from road, rail or air traffic, or various other sources for example factories or nightclubs,

- Interpreting booths
- Office separations
- Meeting rooms
- Concert areas


Laminated Glass is produced in accordance with EN ISO12543 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass and EN 1279 Glass in building - Insulating glass units.

Noise Dampening

- Greater the thickness provides better noise reduction for low frequencies. 

- The incorporation of glass of different thickness into the double glazing will provide a benefit.

​- Laminated glass should be used singly or in combinations of double glass. 

- Acoustic laminated glass should be used singly or in combinations of double glass.